Wellness care includes annual physicals, vaccinations and the physical exams required for the Department of Transportation, camps, colleges, and sports teams. Plus, we save time by doing our own lab work.

Being proactive can help keep you healthy. The goal of preventative wellness care is to detect and prevent you from getting an illness or injury. It’s important to establish a baseline of your health and stay on top of yearly visits. Wellness visits can include screenings, vaccinations and more. Schedule your check-up today to prevent illness tomorrow!

A sports physical helps to determine if it is safe for you or your student to participate in a particular sport. These exams are typically required before an athlete can start a new sport or a new competitive season. Please print off and complete the North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA) Form prior to your appointment and bring with you.
A sports physical helps to determine if it is safe for you or your student to participate in a particular sport. These exams are typically required before an athlete can start a new sport or a new competitive season. Please print off and complete the North Dakota High School Activities Association (NDHSAA) Form prior to your appointment and bring with you.
Sports physicals cover medical history:
Familial illnesses (serious)
Patient illnesses/ailments like asthma, diabetes or epilepsy (serious)
Prior hospitalizations or surgeries
Allergies to medications, foods, insect bites and more
Past injuries like concussions, fractures or sprains
History of passing out, dizziness, chest pain or trouble breathing during exercise
List of medications taken (prescription, over-the-counter and supplements)
The medical exam portion includes:
Height and weight
Blood pressure and pulse (heart rate and rhythm)
Check of heart, lungs, abdomen, ears, nose, and throat.
Evaluation of posture, joints, strength, and flexibility
Sports Physicals are $50. They are not run through insurance. Payment due at time of service.

Federal guidelines mandate that anyone applying for a commercial driver's license must pass the Department of Transportation physical exam. These exams must be conducted at least every 24 months.
The physical covers:
Blood pressure and pulse
Full exam covering items such as lung health and general appearance of the body
D.O.T. Physicals are $90. They are not run through insurance. Payment due at time of service. If you have diabetes, a recent A1C within the past 3-6 months is required. If you have sleep apnea, a current compliance sheet must accompany you to your visit.

A vaccination is a treatment that helps make the body stronger against particular infections. Vaccines help build the immune system and also protect others from you being a carrier of serious illnesses. They are safe, effective and can even save your family time and money, as they are preventative.